Wednesday, April 2, 2008

panama canal

March 25th

We slept close to the road last night and I couldn't sleep well because there were too many big trucks trying to kill me! Big, loud, ground shaking trucks were zooming by us all night. I as scared seeing their headlights through the tent. We stopped to eat dinner in the night after duskj while we waited for the moonlight. It was so windy and cold and we were stopped on a dusty toad so we changed places to eat. The sky looked cool today. Bright blue, pink on the bottom of grey clouds, a tangerine and peach sunset. There were so many starts tonight, O'rion had a lot more company than usual. We stopped to watch a travelling cloud that looked like a spaceship a scorpian, a crab's stomach and fish bones. It was in a rush , headed behind the mountain we were climbing. We found a place to camp on a dirt road, just off the main road. There was a rock cliff across from us and I stopped to sing a few songs to the wonderful natural auditorium. It echoed nicely, like a microphone's open speakers on stage. The rock face itself would have been nice to climb if I knew more about climbing. Our camping spot is surrounded by white flowers that glow in the moonlight, it's quite magical. Alex told me about the Panama Canal and Fransico de Magellanas.

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