Friday, April 11, 2008


April 8th

I"m on the flight to Nepal now from Hong Kong. Michelle a Chinese flight attendant is having her first flight right now working with the airline. I used to think that working as a flight attendant would be great to travel and see the world. I think that most of the time you"re inside the plane and airports though, and they're crowded machines, the work involving the same duties and speaches. Too monotonous I think. I can't stop looking at the attendants, they're really beautiful. they have square faces, pale white skin, big smiles and asian eyes. Their eyes so big, looking kind and innocent, maybe cartoon like, but I know that behind those eyes there are many thoughts, some innocent some not. Their dark shining hair is done in neat ballet buns. I'm cherishing my last moments in China, I'll miss seeing the Chinese. I wonder why my skin is so much darker than most Chinese, maybe my ancestors originated in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia or even India, Indonesia, it would be inteteresting to find out. Someone said that the Ukrainians tan really well and so it's actually my caucasian side but I may never truly know. There were so many foreigners in the Hong Kong airport, more than I've seen in a very long while I've been in China. It almost feels like I'm in Canada and not China. Here on the airplane there are some Nepalis, the men wearing cute little hats and a young boy with long hair like the Tibetans I met in Litang earlier in my travels. I don't feel so excited about Nepal. I've heard that it's been destroyed by all of the tourists, that in fact it's not so isolated or untouched as I had always dreamt of. I hope that the mountains will not let me down and will strip me of this negative attitude. There are a couple of French women sitting across from me in the plane. They complained because the airline ran out of chicken meals and only beef was left. They were so shocked and perturbed saying "How is this even possible? Could you not have just served us sooner?" I like listening to french, it's beautiful, but I don't want to hear these idiots say anything more. Please, please please, don't let me be surrounded by people like this in Kathmandu. We're half an hour from Kathmandu now and I had my first jitter of excitement in my stomach. Eveline, a girl that I met last year in my Women's Studies class sent me a message, "I hope that you find a piece of soul in your travels." I hope so too. Nepal, don't let me down, share your secrets with me like China did.

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