Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 8 (March 11th) "I see your true colours shining through"

We decided to stay in Simao for another day. an event struck me as Alek and I were walking down one of the city's streets. Two old, weathered women were fighting over money. One would give the money to another, the other wouldn't accept it and would hand it to their friend that was standing behind her. The first woman took the money from the third and handed it back to her friend that was sitting down. This circuit continued a few times over, one giving the money, the other refusing it until finally the other two ladies quickly left leaving the woman sitting down with the money. Me and some girls working in a shop were watching and giggling at the funny situation. It struck me though because it was what my mother and Jean Mah used to do after having dinner or lunch together. They'd fight over who would get to treat the other. In Chinese culture if you invite your friend to eat with you, you treat them. It was very moving as well because in the end I saw that they were fighting over 2 yuan. That's 7.5/2 = very little money. Today Simao is showing its true colours.

1 comment:

petitechanteuse86 said...

Holls, even before you mentioned Mum's name I thought "wow, that totally reminds me of Mum and Aunty Fran." I'll never forget how many times it'd go back and forth or how both of them would make up excuses for "getting the bill this time." I think my mum once hid money in a potted plant because your mum refused to have her pay her back for something small.

Aw, it's gems that like these that make me smile at all my childhood (and beyond) memories with you guys. :)